
Poké Ball inspired Plush Area Rug



Poké Ball inspired Plush Area Rug

Production time: 5-14 business days.
Shipping time: 3-5 business days.

All of our Rugs are custom-made-to-order and handcrafted to the highest quality, using classic tufting. They are authentic area rugs made with acrylic yarn, not sublimated (pressed on image) polyester fabric. These rugs are plush and handmade, made to order, and depending on demand it may take up to 14 days to complete. So please be patient with delivery.

Don’t see what you want?

If you have an idea for a rug you want specifically made, you can provide images as reference and make a custom order. We will design out the rug and send you a proof of the artwork before beginning the work. If you approve the design we send you, we will start work on your one of a kind rug.

Additional information


Small (22" W x 22" H), Medium (31" W x 31" H), Large (42" W x 42" H)


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